Friday 14 December 2012

Music magazine deconstruction

This is the front cover of XL, an Italian music magazine produced by the newspaper "la Repubblica"
Target audience: young adults and adults.
Even though the magazine has evolved since the first time it came out, it has always maintained the same scheme in the magazine front cover.
The name of the magazine has always been at the top left corner in the same size and font the only thing that changes is the colour.
On the top it doesn't have a proper and regular masthead, but it is just a space used to show tertiary news and features of the magazine.
The left side third is quite typical and it is used for secondary news and exclusives of the magazine.
The most important part of the magazine is the central image and the main article.
In this particular issue it has been decided to leave most of the space of the cover to a beautiful, strong and evocative picture.
That's probably for twpo reasons: 1) the picture is technically and artistically spectacular and well made. 2) This image was with other colours the front cover of the album "London Calling" and it was proved to work with it. They knew this would have attracted people from the previous genereation because they recognized it; at the mean time because it had attracted teenagers to buy the album then, they were sure to attract new people now.

1 comment:

  1. Could you put an introduction beteween the 6th form magazine and the Music Mag please. Explain how you will develop your skills and perhaps suggest a schedule.
